Project Life Caregivers

Partner With Us!

Sponsor a Project Life Caregiver, beginning at $40/month.

About the Program

CRI’s work among the deeply poor includes care for widows, the elderly, and the chronically ill in places where good medical care is lacking. Among this group are those living with HIV. Across the globe, it is common to find communities where HIV stigma leaves people abandoned and without incomes to feed themselves or their children. Many become depressed. As their health deteriorates, so, too, does their ability to care for themselves. Some prefer to end their life rather than continue suffering.

Project Life provides fellowship, food, prayer, and medical care through caregivers. Caregivers take time to visit each person in our Project Life program. As they make their rounds, they bring medicine, food, and friendship to those with no one. Sometimes they bring blankets to keep them warm, or soup on a cold day. They pray over each person and share the love of Christ with them.

You can help the ministry of our Project Life Caregivers. In Mozambique, we offer sponsorships for employed caregivers (in other locations, our caregivers are volunteers). Through a sponsorship, you can build a personal connection with a Project Life Caregiver and learn more about the role they play to help their community.

A Caregiver’s salary costs $160/month. Four sponsors make this possible for one Caregiver at $40/month each. One sponsor may contribute more than one-fourth of the total sponsorship (e.g. one sponsor at $80/month).

How will your sponsorship help?

Your financial commitment will help provide one caregiver with a salary and a monthly supply of food. Your gifts will enable them to serve the sick and dying in their community. Through you, our caregivers can shine Christ’s light brightly.

Will you receive updates?

You will receive two updates a year about your Project Life Caregiver.


Sponsor a Caregiver

Sponsor a Project Life Caregiver, beginning at $40/month.

Want to donate to the program? Fill out the form below!


Grace & Knowledge University


Medical Camps