Madalena Njange Zande

Madalena's household was affected by the recent cyclones. Because of this experience she can empathize with the widows under her care who have so little. She prays that her service within Project Life will glorify God in all things and in all ways.

Partner with our Project Life Caregivers! Sponsor Madalena, beginning at $40/month.

A caregiver salary costs $160/month. Four sponsors make this possible at $40/month each. One sponsor may contribute more than one-fourth of the total sponsorship (e.g. one sponsor at $80/month).

How will your sponsorship help?

Your financial commitment will help provide a salary and a month’s supply of food. Your gifts will enable our Caregivers to serve the sick and dying in their community.


Help Madalena serve the sick and dying.


Manuel Antonio Victor


Lurde João Castigo