Serving the poor in the midst of COVID-19

Children’s Relief International starting working from home over two weeks ago—to do our part to flatten the curve. Our international partners and missionaries on the field are also working from home as much as they can. Community transmission is occurring in every community we serve around the world: Mozambique, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Asia, Myanmar, Haiti, Mexico, and the USA. We are in constant communication with our partners, missionaries, and projects, and what we are hearing are pleas for help. 

Here is what we would like you to know at this time:

  • We are praying for you, your safety, and the poor. Each day, CRI meets at 8:30 for community prayer for our partners, missionaries, projects, supporters, and the Church at large. This week, we also started “fasting prayer", with CRI staff choosing to fast and pray for COVID-19 related issues each day. We are committed to doing this until the crisis has passed. We want to pray for you specifically. Please email with your requests.

  • Our international partners and missionaries are asking for help. Here is an example, a note from Pastor Isaiah in the Deep Forest region, South Asia (March 25th):

    Our pastors and church members in the Deep Forest region are so worried about their health and work. The poor people, especially the daily wage workers, are very worried. They don't have money to buy groceries. The people are not helping each other because of the virus effect. The churches are locked and no church services/group prayer can be offered. We have asked all our pastors and congregations to pray in their houses every day.

    Our nurses are allowed to move in the villages wearing masks. We are grateful for that. If possible, we would like to provide emergency relief—food and medical supplies—to all our congregations as soon as possible so as to escape from the virus.

We have started sending emergency funds, but more must be done. We would like to send as much as possible.

Your financial support is needed. 

CRI's COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund will provide food, sanitation and protective materials, health education, and emergency aid for families who have lost loved ones. Please consider donating.

Over 8,700 children and adults attached to our projects are at risk. Our goal is to provide food for them month-by-month.

To achieve that goal, we need to raise approximately $20,000 per month. Let's continue to give hope in the name of Christ. 


Elias’s Story


#sheshines | Mary