Joe & Monica Steffeck

Joe—Missionary | Monica—Missionary

Joe and Monica are from Marion, Iowa. In 2010, Joe gave his life to Christ while in the Marine Corps. Shortly after his release he was married to Monica. They have 4 children and live on a farm in Central City, IA. Joe is now the Green Door Developer. Monica specializes in leadership structure, HR, and communications strategy. They are privileged to get to facilitate the building of homes and the spreading of Jesus Christ to those in extreme poverty!

"Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does
them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock."
-Matthew 7:24

It is a true honor to work on behalf of our Lord and savior. Let's build some houses and spread the light of Christ! Thank you for being apart of God's work! If you would like to subscribe to our ministry updates, you can do so here. If you would like to learn more about joining us on a trip, you can do so here.

I want to support Joe & Monica!


Jessica Lopez


Ricky Allegretto