Partner with us!

Give to those in need of our Food Distributions worldwide. $10/month provides a 10-kilo bag of rice each month. $40/month provides food parcels to a family each month.

About the Program

Through this program, we distribute bags of corn flour or rice, or whole parcels of various foodstuffs to those who would otherwise go without. Our recipients include members of South Asia’s lowest class, displaced villagers in western Uganda, families struggling through civil war in Myanmar, children going hungry during the dry season in Malawi, HIV+ widows in Mozambique, and the many malnourished orphans, disabled, widows, and refugees we find in all the places CRI works. With each distribution, we encourage and pray with recipients and extend an invitation to our church services and Bible clubs.

How will your sponsorship help?

Your financial commitment will enable us to bring food assistance in times of severe hunger at every location where CRI works.

Will you receive updates?

Yes! You will receive two updates a year about the people in our hunger alleviation programs worldwide.


Pastor Sponsorships


Amaha Ministry